Different Kinds of Tea & Health Benefits

Green Tea, White Tea, Red Tea
Different Kinds of Tea
Green, white and red teas contain antioxidants and have a number of health benefits like preventing degenerative conditions such as cancer and arthritis. For many of us, tea implies the regular black tea, but there are other varieties of tea.
The ones with the most benefits are the green, white and red varieties; the last two are lesser known varieties, while green tea is becoming increasingly popular. These varieties of tea have preventive and curative properties, due to the presence of antioxidants.

Benefits of Green Tea

Green tea has medicinal properties because it is made from fresh and unfermented dried leaves; fermentation destroys antioxidants and other nutrients. Antioxidants are chemical substances that neutralize the harmful effects of free radicals that damage cells. They are thus effective in controlling cell damage and degenerative conditions including cancer and mental decline. Green tea is very rich in antioxidants that are more powerful than antioxidant vitamins E and C.
According to teabenefits.com, the antioxidant “EGCG in green tea has exceptional anti-inflammatory and immune strengthening properties.” Therefore, it has a number of health benefits, including cardiovascular health, prevention of cancer and arthritis, alleviation of blood sugar and weight control. In webmd.com, Julie Edgar says, “A Dutch study of more than 3,000 men and women found that the more tea consumed, the less severe the clogging of the heart’s blood vessels, especially in women”.
The fluoride in green tea strengthens bones. Green tea is energizing, though it is low in caffeine, so even three or four cups in the day does not cause adverse effects. Green tea should be taken without milk. It is no wonder then that “In her book, Green Tea: The Natural Secret for a Healthier Life, Nadine Taylor states that green tea has been used as a medicine in China for at least 4,000 years.”

Benefits of White Tea

White tea, like green tea, is not fermented; it is left to dry in the shade. Despite its name, it is not white, but pale green. The dried leaves also include young tea leaves and buds, which gives it an exceptional aroma and delicate flavor. To experience this to the fullest, white tea should be consumed without milk or sweetening.
According to Sean Paajanen, former About.com Guide, “There is also considerably less caffeine in white tea than the other varieties (15 mg per serving, compared to 40 mg for black tea, and 20 mg for green). Some studies have also shown that white tea contains more active cancer-fighting antioxidants than green tea. Antioxidants neutralize harmful free radicals, and thus prevent skin damage and aging. It lowers blood pressure and raises levels of “good” cholesterol. Finally, white tea has anti-viral and anti-bacterial properties, so it fights infections.

Benefits of Red Tea

Like white tea, red or Rooibos tea is lesser known than green tea, but has a number of health benefits. Brewed from the leaves of a natural herb, it is unique to the Cedarberg mountains of South Africa, and is rich in the antioxidant Aspalathin. The latter reduces the risk of skin cancer by 60%, and free radical damage by 90%. It has no caffeine or oxalic acid (which causes kidney stones and is found in some teas) and very little tannin. It is refreshing, with a natural sweetness. Red tea has been effective in alleviating conditions like insomnia, headaches and panic attacks.
According to teabenefits.com, Rooibos tea is an all day drink, working as a wake up energizer, a thirst quencher during the day and a relaxant at night to induce relaxation and sound sleep. Studies have shown that different teas like green, red and white teas have antioxidants with health benefits like preventing cancer and cardiac problems.

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